Score Guarantee

SAT Score Guarantee

Increase your SAT score by 100 points or get your money back.

We guarantee a 100-point increase if you originally scored a 600 or below in Math.



What you must do to qualify for the score guarantee

  • You must have taken the SAT before studying with us.
  • Your old score must be valid (i.e. less than 5 years old).
  • E-mail us a copy of your “Before” score report when you sign up. A scan or screenshot of your official score report is fine. E-mail us at with the subject line “Before Score Report for SAT Score Guarantee” to submit your before score report.

What you should do to maximize your score!

  • Complete all of the practice questions.
  • Complete all daily, weekly, and monthly tasks as outlined in the study schedule.
  • Dedicate at least 2 hours daily to SAT Math preparation.
  • Complete all practice questions and mock tests within the recommended time limits.

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